Connect Relationally. Grow Spiritually.

Community Groups:  These groups are our long-term groups.  Group size varies but typically 10 - 14 people meet in a small group setting at someone's home.  Groups meet weekly or bi-weekly throughout the year.

Short-Term Groups: Our short-term groups are offered for a 4-8 week period in January and August.  
Starting Point: The church should be the safest place to have hard conversations about faith. Starting Point is for people who are brand-new to Christianity, new again to church, or just have questions or doubts about faith and spirituality.  This is a short-term group that is offered at both campuses twice a year.

Freed Up Financial Living: Learning to handle finances is both spiritual and practical. Freed Up Financial Living will help you understand how to get a handle on money from God’s perspective as taught in the Bible while going through exercises to put into practice. This is a short-term group that is offered at both campuses twice a year.

To learn more about Community Groups or to find one for you click Next Step